Lessons From an Old Dog

A friend and I recently discussed the pros and cons of taking a sub-par job, just to get your foot in the door. It’s an interesting debate, given most of us can probably make the case for either side. As someone who’s studied human behavior for 22 years, what I can undoubtedly say is that people who love what they do and enjoy the people they work with (and for), perform better. And, let’s admit it, are happier... leading to a virtuous cycle that begins with a deep sense of fulfillment, increases the likelihood that you are performing like a boss, and ends with a photo of you at your desk with the caption #liveyourbestlife. (Definitely supports the theory that it’s worth waiting (when you can) for the right fit). I know a lot of people looking for a new job right now and I offer you a life lesson from Duke. This sweet old man used to think that if his head could fit into a space, that his whole body could too, so he would try and try, get frustrated, and fail... Just because you can fit your head in a space, or get your foot in the door, doesn’t mean you should fully commit, my friends. Feeling stuck and frustrated (and like you’ve settled), is the worst. Be patient. The next best thing is right around the corner, and most likely it’s worth waiting for.


Lessons From the Desert


The Fear That We Are Not Enough