More Than Anonymous
Amazon, as is the trend these days, did away with annual reviews. We replaced them with ongoing development and coaching conversations, and a process we call Forte, which is essentially 360 feedback, primarily focused on superpowers. This process prompted a recent conversation on the topic of anonymity. "Can people see who gave which feedback in their results? I'm concerned people will know what came from me." I get it. I really do. Some feedback can be both uncomfortable to give, and uncomfortable to hear. You're not alone. Having received and delivered dozens of 360 feedback reports over the years, it's safe to say that the experience is overwhelming for most people, and the desire to figure out who said what is undeniably human. The best 360 feedback though would be the kind where despite its anonymity we could decipher exactly who said what, because we've already had those celebratory and tough conversations in the moment. The reason we often dread this experience is because we feel blindsided by what we learn about how others perceive us. Let's make 2018 the year we work those feedback muscles--the year we practice approaching our relationships with the kind of radical transparency and courage they deserve. Let those be your superpowers. Resolve to be more than anonymous.